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Thames Valley Police and Thames Valley Crime Stoppers

Pool Damage

Wendover News has received many responses to the statement published by Inspector Emma Garside on page 15 of the February edition of Wendover News. 

Here are some of the responses.

As the offenders retain their anonymity, Wendover News has chosen to extend the compliment to this correspondent:

BK writes: Policemen using discretion for minor offences such as cycling on the pavement or dropping litter is fine, but what we have here is a case of serious criminal damage.  It is not a minor offence.

Apology and remorse are cheap commodities if the alternative is a spell in a young offenders institute or a heavy fine.  If this crime was caused by an alcohol fuelled prank why are these 17 years olds not being charged with under age drinking?

I think it is about time that forces reviewed the discretionary power given to police officers if this is the end result.  Maybe if I show great remorse and apologise profusely I will be let off any future parking or minor speeding offence!  More chance that hell will freeze over.

Derek Hayward, Head teacher of Wendover Junior School writes: Recent coverage of the vandalism at the swimming pool on The John Colet School site has prompted a certain amount of surprise at the decision not to proceed with criminal prosecutions. The community is, unsurprisingly, aggrieved that such damage can be caused and no recompense is forthcoming.

The press release stated, “I appreciate that people may feel that these individuals should face court proceedings, but having taken their ages, full admissions of guilt and remorse into account, along with the fact that they had no previous criminal records, the decision was taken to caution the individuals responsible rather than to proceed with criminal charges.”

What I do not see anywhere in this decision is an attempt to communicate this remorse to those directly affected. Protecting the identity of the youngsters and their families is seen to be more important than allowing some form of restorative justice to take place.

Where are the apologies – written, verbal or otherwise? If their remorse was honest then the youngsters involved would be suggesting ways of letting the community know of their shame and embarrassment – and fortune at not being held financially culpable for their inebriated behaviour.


You may have seen the recent press coverage of the national crime figures and they do make extremely good reading for those of us who live and work in the Thames Valley area. They show that in the 12 months to September, crime was down in the Thames Valley by 11% compared with 4% nationally, the second biggest drop in the country. This got me thinking how we compare locally in the Wendover, Aston Clinton and surrounding areas, an area with an approximate population of 18,000 people.

I have looked at the figures and from April 2011 to the end of November 2011 compared with the same period the previous year. All crime was down by 20.6%, Theft from vehicle was down by 15.2%, theft of vehicle was down by 16.7% & burglary dwelling was down by 5%. Burglary non dwelling (business premises & sheds) was down by 40%, criminal damage was down by 31% and we had no robbery of personal property. 

However, since these figures were produced we have seen an increase in theft from vehicle offences which is worrying. We have focused our patrols in the areas where these are occurring and increased our crime prevention efforts. Do not leave valuables in your vehicle. Thieves are searching through glove boxes/under seats etc to find your belongings.

The above figures only compare the last 2 years so I looked back a bit further. In 2000 there were 501 thefts from vehicle in 2011 there were 70. In 2000 there were 57 thefts of vehicle in 2011 there were 12. In 2000 there were 61 burglary dwellings in 2011 there were 36.

I hope these figures put into perspective what the statistics mean locally and rest assured that the police in Aylesbury Vale and especially your local neighbourhood team are committed to getting these figures even lower in the future, because one victim of crime is one victim too many.
Sergeant Bryn Scott

Last month there were a total of 49 reported crimes.


There has been a rise this month in burglary and theft from motor vehicle offences.  We continue to urge residents and business owners to be vigilant and if you see anyone looking around your area acting suspiciously then please contact us. It would be most helpful to record any vehicle details and a detailed person description.

January has seen reports centred mainly in the area of Wendover. These have ranged from snowballs being thrown to criminal damage caused to buildings. Enquiries are being conducted into these crimes especially in the areas of Tring Road and locations near to the canal. Your local policing team have adjusted their areas of patrol accordingly to combat these recent issues. The team also recently held a ‘Have Your Say’ meeting at the Princes Mary Gate estate which was attended by residents. They had the opportunity to report their concerns about noise issues in the centre of the estate. Patrols will continue and Aylesbury officers will be briefed should they have to attend when the local team are not on duty.

Laser enforcement was conducted on London Road in Aston Clinton in the mornings and afternoons with 2 drivers being issued fixed penalty tickets who did not qualify for the driver awareness scheme. There were several other vehicles driving in excess of the 30 mph limit on this road, some of whom were stopped and advised about the manner of their driving.

How to contact your local police

Visit us at Wendover police station in Aylesbury Road.  Our opening hours are as follows:

Monday 9am      to         1pm
Tuesday            9am      to         1pm
Wednesday       9am      to         1pm
Thursday           9am      to         1pm
Friday   9am      to         1pm


Contact your local team by phoning 101 asked to be put through to the Wendover neighbourhood team or e-mail Wendover& or Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm 01296 621916 front counter Station Duty Officer.

The new non emergency contact number for Thames Valley Police will be 101 from the 14th November 2011. This replaces the 0845 8 505 505 number. This number is 15p per call no matter how long the call is.

999 is still to be used for emergency calls.

Inspector Emma Garside
Sergeant Bryn Scott
PC Andy Smith
PC Jo Smith
Inspector Emma Garside
Sergeant Bryn Scott
PC Andy Smith
PC Jo Smith
PCSO Christina Pringle
PCSO Mandy Aplin
PCSO Paul Evans
PCSO Christina Pringle
PCSO Mandy Aplin
PCSO Paul Evans